We are back again for another summer of writing which means Undefined has now 'returned' the same number of times that Conor McGregor has come out of retirement in MMA. Make of that what you will.
But each time we come back, we like to think we have improved, learning upon what works well and what does not, of which there have been a few. Shoutout to the weekly premier league predictions and 'Picture of the Week' which are now deep in the archives, never to be seen again.
Last year, before the University lifestyle brought Undefined to a sudden halt, we had been making some nice progress. Bringing in new writers to the website is one of the key aspects that we want to encourage. We saw some excellent pieces from new writers last year, with articles on both Covid-19 and AIDS vaccines, the Texas abortion bill (particularly interesting read given recent events!), female film directors, Asian hate, and the Climate Crisis and much more.
We strongly believe that if you are bored at all over this summer, you should have a shot at writing something that interests you. Honestly, anything goes. Whilst not only is it very straightforward to become a writer, it offers an accessible platform for you to share your own views to an ever-growing audience. It's also a portfolio, or a showcase, of your abilities, interests and qualities both as a writer and a member of a community. From my experience, you will find it surprisingly rewarding to see your work published and promoted on Undefined. We have now had nine different writers contribute to Undefined, so don't be afraid to get in touch on our socials!
Moving on, it's fair to say there is more than enough content for us to cover over the course of the summer. Boris Johnson's flimsy and feeble reign looks to be coming to a desperate end and the consequences of that are bound to drag out for the duration of the next few months. There is a cost of living crisis that is hindering everybody so greatly, suggesting we will soon need to choose between heating or eating. Or the very contradictory scenes in airports where the severe understaffing cannot cope with the millions of holiday goers, who have clearly decided fuck heating, fuck eating, I need a holiday. Honestly, I don't blame them.
If current affairs and politics doesn't interest you, bores you or more likely just depresses you, then don't fear. There is always more to report in the film and music industry, the world of sport, or even an opinion piece. We've got it all.
Myself, Ollie, and the rest of our writers (which could include you!) can't wait to bring you some enjoyable reads this summer and hopefully our comeback will be more successful than Conor McGregor's...
Oh and finally just to gather a general consensus of what (mostly) students think of Boris...
Is it time for Boris to go?
It's time to go
No he is the man for the job