Yes, you read that right - Co-owner. My face is almost as smug as Matt Hancock's after he's finished bragging about how big his vaccine programme is. I, of course, unlike him, am not over-compensating.
While my promotion is surely due to pure, despicable nepotism (though my raise has not yet been agreed, Luke?), this does mean you have the pleasure of hearing from an ego-boosted Ollie Nixon, ready to go again and give you more brilliant and utterly random content.
Follow along to hear about everything from me ranting about Arsenal (there's always plenty of that to do), or the Government, or frankly anything which happens to have pissed me off - Lockdown 3.0 has turned me, above all, into an even grumpier sod than I was before.
My now infamous weekly news roundups, you'll be glad to hear, will be starting again this week - and I'll be bringing you other content (hopefully) from tomorrow; that is, if I get out of bed before half one for once.
Needless to say, you'll be reading much more refined, mature, and sophisticated content...
Knew I was making the right decision. I'm just processing the contract regarding the raise - I'll fax it over.