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Just a BTech Reddit?

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

Well here goes post 1 of hopefully many, depending both on the progress and interaction from others on the website, and my own endurance to keep a website going at least through this Summer to start with. First of all though, thanks for paying the website a little visit so soon after its launch. It's been a little project of mine lately and I have high hopes for where it could go. Honestly I summed this all up rather better on the 'about' page if you're interested on why I am doing this.

There are two main areas, I suppose, of the 'Luke Jefferies' website, which I have somewhat narcissistically named. Firstly, the articles and posts from myself, the first of which you are experiencing right now, where I intend to write about almost anything, whether it be sports, of which I have very strong interest in, current affairs, a review, amongst much more. I am also looking into having other authors too, for anyone interested, who also wish to contribute to the site.

The second area , as you may have already discovered is the forum. By becoming a member of the website, which is quite easy to do I believe, you can contribute to the forums. Many of you I'm sure are familiar with Reddit so think of it like that only with a significantly downsized audience. But please feel free to start any conversation, debate, argument on any topic and hopefully we can build an audience large enough to make it worthwhile. I have worked on a couple of neat features too on the forum, including the possibility of members becoming administrators of a forum as well as the opportunity to earn badges for your contributions to the page. Whoever achieves the GOAT badge, I salute you in advance.

That's about it I think. I'll write again very soon with perhaps something more interesting as opposed to simply informative.

Luke Jefferies

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