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Welcome to UndefinedUK

This has been a big project to completely change the face of our platform. It's taken time, a lot of deliberation and many FaceTimes between myself and co-owner Ollie.

The inspiration behind Undefined is that, as of right now, nobody knows what to expect from the generation that is emerging from their adolescence. We are the first to grow up with smart technology at our fingertips, in a new age of fake news, social media and instant communication. What does that mean for the way we might speak, think and act compared to the generations before us? You cannot describe us yet. We are undefined.

But what is clear and obvious, is the distinct lack of voice given to those like us. How often do you see journalism produced by anybody under the age of 25? If you have, it certainly isn't mainstream and is brushed under the carpet and hidden away. How can it be that the future of our society has such little say on the affairs of today? We are the platform to provide the youth perspective on everything that matters, something you will be hard pushed to find anywhere else.

But this time, as Undefined, we need you. To truly represent the voices of our generation, we need a team of writers larger than two. I might also add it's a lot of pressure for two people to produce all the content whilst juggling university work too. But please, if you want to join us, get in touch whether that's on our Twitter page @undefinedUK, our brand new Instagram page, also @undefinedUK and via the email linked below. It's very easy and I'll set you up straight away.

If you needed any more inspiration to help out, then I'll say that I've found writing on this website for the last year has been very rewarding. To have the ability to write down any opinions or interests and have them read on an accessible platform is a top feeling. AND you can write about literally anything that interests you. Don't feel you need to be of a certain "standard" either, nobody here is particularly qualified, lets be honest...

If you aren't interested in writing, then hopefully you're interested in reading, because we have lots of exciting content planned for the coming months. We will have new series' such as Ollie's 'What's going on in...' and a reform to the old PL Predictions, which sadly I have decided to leave as a thing of the past.

And if you thought it couldn't get any more exciting, then you were wrong. From this Summer, we will be starting a podcast starring myself, Ollie and guest stars, which will be available on Spotify and other streaming platforms. We will also have some other new major developments to report in the coming months, but I'm going to refrain from saying them, perhaps build some suspense?

All that is left to say is we hope you enjoy the new website and rebranding, because its taken a lot of time and thought. Any suggestions are welcome and hopefully there are no bugs and glitches, if there are let us know.

We're really excited for what this platform could become and as always, that does depend on you, so follow us on Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to keep updated.

Welcome to Undefined.

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